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The Perils of the Old Patent Process and How senseIP Has Reinvented the Approach to Patenting for Inventors with AI Patent Automation

The Perils of the Old Patent Process and How senseIP Has Reinvented the Approach to Patenting for Inventors with AI Patent Automation

Navigating the world of patents can be daunting for any inventor. The traditional patent process is long, expensive, and fraught with complexities that can deter even the most determined innovators. This article delves into the pain points of the patent process and introduces a revolutionary solution: the senseIP platform, designed to make patenting simpler, faster, and incredibly effective with AI patent automation.

The Long and Winding Road of Patents

The journey to securing a patent is notoriously lengthy. On average, it takes about 30 months—two and a half years—from filing an application to being granted or rejected. During this period, inventors are often left in a state of limbo, unable to protect or capitalize on their inventions fully. This waiting game slows innovation and poses significant risks if competing inventions enter the market first.

The Endless Wait for Examination

Once a patent application is filed, it enters the examination phase. Burdened with a backlog of applications, patent examiners conduct a thorough review to identify prior art and assess the invention's patentability. This process involves multiple rounds of correspondence, known as office actions, where examiners raise objections or request clarifications. Each response can add months to the timeline, prolonging the uncertainty for inventors.

The High Cost of Protection

Securing a patent is not just time-consuming; it's also expensive. The cost of filing a patent application, including attorney fees, can range from $10,000 to $30,000. This figure doesn't account for the additional expenses incurred during the prosecution phase, where inventors must address office actions and potentially appeal rejections. These costs can be prohibitive for startups and individual inventors, forcing them to decide whether to pursue patent protection or allocate resources elsewhere.

The Hidden Costs of Maintenance

Even after a patent is granted, the financial burden doesn't end. Maintenance fees must be paid periodically to keep the patent in force. These fees can add up, particularly for patents filed in multiple jurisdictions. Failure to pay these fees can result in the patent lapsing, leaving the invention unprotected.

However, there is an even worse related expense - the cost of paying to keep patents in force when that is no longer necessary. senseIP has some customers who, through the senseIP application, discovered that they were spending time on a new patent when, in fact, a different department had secured the patent years before and was paying maintenance fees to maintain it, fees they didn't even know about. This occurs in companies more often than anybody would care to admit.

The IP Attorney Conundrum

Many inventors turn to IP attorneys to navigate the complexities of the patent process. While attorneys provide valuable expertise, their primary goal is often to get a patent filed and granted. This doesn't necessarily mean the patent will be strong or defensible in the long run. Attorneys may make compromises to expedite the process, potentially resulting in a patent that is more susceptible to challenges from competitors.

The Lack of Involvement

Moreover, the traditional patent process often removes inventors from the critical stages of their patent applications. Attorneys handle most of the communication with patent examiners, making strategic decisions without always consulting the inventor. This lack of involvement can be detrimental, as inventors possess unique insights into their inventions and the market landscape. Their input is crucial in crafting a robust patent that aligns with business strategies and R&D priorities.

The senseIP Solution

Recognizing these pain points, senseIP offers a transformative approach to patenting. It places inventors in the driver's seat of the patent process without requiring any prior knowledge of intellectual property law. This AI platform provides R&D planners with market analysis and insights to better shape the product plan and business strategy and position companies with a winning business advantage. It also simplifies the patent process, reduces costs, and enhances the quality of patents.

Simplicity and Speed

With senseIP, inventors can type their ideas directly into the platform. The AI Patent Expert guides them through the process, asking clarifying questions and requesting necessary documents. It rapidly works on landscaping and provides all the needed information about prior art, potential conflicts, competition, and market and business insights.

This streamlined approach significantly reduces the time from concept to provisional patent, allowing inventors to quickly secure "patent-pending" status. This swift action provides immediate protection and the freedom to further discuss and develop the invention.

Quality and Affordability

senseIP's AI Patent Expert goes beyond mere filing. Before the non-provisional patent is submitted, the AI Expert simulates the role of a USPTO examiner, raising potential objections and questions. This preemptive scrutiny helps inventors refine their patents, increasing the likelihood of a smooth examination process with fewer office actions. By addressing potential weaknesses early, senseIP ensures that patents are not only granted but also robust and defensible.

Inventor & Entrepreneur Enhanced Involvement

Unlike traditional legal services, senseIP keeps inventors involved in the patent process. The platform's interactive approach empowers inventors to make informed decisions and actively participate in crafting their patent applications. This increased control ensures that the final patent aligns with the inventor's vision and business strategy, providing a stronger foundation for commercialization and enforcement.


The old traditional patent process poses significant challenges for inventors with its questionable results in protecting inventions, long timelines, high costs, inherent inefficiencies, and administrative headaches. However, senseIP offers a smarter new way forward. By leveraging generative AI technology, the platform streamlines the patent process, reduces costs, and enhances the quality of patents.

Most importantly, it empowers inventors to take control of their intellectual property, ensuring that their innovations are protected and aligned with their business goals.

In the competitive world of innovation, having a reliable and efficient patenting process is crucial. senseIP simplifies this journey and makes it more accessible and effective for inventors, helping them achieve more unique and stronger patents.

Say goodbye to the traditional legal patenting nightmare and embrace a smarter, faster, and more affordable way to safeguard your creativity with senseIP.